Jason and I grew up doing very different things on Christmas. Typically my family would celebrate on Christmas Eve...which meant opening all of our gifts that night. (Not sure how Mom explained that to Brandyn with Santa??) Jason's family, however, celebrated on Christmas morning...so needless to say, this is something we disagree on every year...although, until this year, it really hasn't been too large of an issue since we've always been in Iowa, and had to do "our Christmas" early or whenever we had a break from the Iowa celebrations. However...after we had Hayden, we made a decision that we would stop going back to Iowa every year and start celebrating Christmas in our own home with our own tradition. As of right now, the plan is to head back to see family every other year...but after this year, I can see that changing...and instead, heading back for a few days either before or after the actual holiday, and spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at home with the kids. Sooo...because of this...the question of WHEN to celebrate came in to play...and like the reasonable adults we are (ha), we compromised. After church and our light drive, we came home and each got to open 1 gift (actually...Hayden got to open 2)...plus, last year we started a tradition where we would open a Christmas book as a family and that's what we'd read before bed. This compromise satisfied me, and made it seem Christmas-y...and it satisfied Jason as we didn't let Hayden open any gifts from Santa.
The first gift he chose was from Aunt Jess and Uncle Heath...thanks muches guys!!! He loved everything, and plays with both the color tablets and the art desk during EVERY bath!!! He calls the tablets his "Jelly Balls" and once I made the mistake of adding a tablet while getting his water ready instead of letting him throw it in...and trust me, I haven't made that mistake again. :) He loves them!
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