My Mommy and I (or Nana and Mama-depends on who's talking)-pre-showers-look at all of that natural!!!

Daddy & Hayden-they look just a bit better than we do pre-showered!!

Grandma-such a pretty lady!

Aunt Haley-AKA Chloe's Mommy!!! All the way from Illinois!

My very handsome Grandpa-you can tell where I get my good looks!

We had a birthday party for Hayden on May 14th for his friends...and some of our family was able to join us too! The LaMours, Noels, and Andersens came to town on Thursday and Friday to help us prepare for the shindig! We had such a nice time while everyone was here-thanks for coming all the way here to help us celebrate Hayden's 2nd Birthday! We love you all!!!