Monday, June 30, 2008

Playin' at the "Beach"

For Hayden's birthday we got him a sand and water table...which he LOVES!! He plays at it CONSTANTLY...and is ALWAYS asking to go "play at my beach". Precious...

Happy Father's Day Daddy!!!

Jason and I have been on a "get healthy" kick, so for Father's Day Hayden had listened and came thru with a really cool bike for Daddy!! Way to go Boog! You're a great gift-giver!!

And They're Off!!!

I had the task of driving my family to the airport in KC to catch a flight to Phoenix for their vacation with Logan and Danny. Here they are on their way!!! "FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST!!!"

Out For Some Famous KC BBQ

To celebrate Father's Day we all went out for dinner to a fabulous BBQ place down in the plaza!! Afterwards we strolled around and checked out all of the shops and had a great evening! What a perfect way to wind down after a busy weekend!!!

A Little Somethin' From Gram & Gramp!!!

We Love You Guys!!!

So Sleepy...

After a long afternoon playing in the yard...the grandparents were tuckered out and slept...well...just like the babies!!!

Just Being Silly...

Time for PRESENTS!!!

Hayden received so many fun things for his birthday, and he's been having a blast playing with them ever since! Thanks to all of you who thought of him on his big day...and more importantly to those of you who came all this way to celebrate with us!! It means the world to Jason and I to see how much he's loved, and how many special people he has in his life. We are all very blessed. Also...thank you to all of our friends and family who have helped us be the parents we are. The past 2 years have been amazing, rewarding, challenging and a constant blessing...and truthfully, we know we couldn't have done it without your support, your encouragement...and even your advice!!! We love you all!!!

Cake Time!

Thanks to our new mom's group, we found a really awesome bakery in the KC metro area. The cake was delicious...but even was adorable!! Hayden LOVED it, and didn't want me to cut it...I think it thought it was some sort of toy!!

Party People...

Again, wasn't great with the camera this year...wish I would have gotten pictures of more of the people who were here with us...but hopefully Photographer Papa did...until then...
The LaMourskis
The Andersens
Mr. Michael
Papa and Uncle Brandyn
Mama and Hayden

Ride 'em Cowboys...and girls!!!

Okay, so here are a few of the pictures that we took at Hayden's party...but honestly, we were both too busy to be thinking about the camera much. The ponies were a big hit-eventually!! I think everybody got lots of turns, and it was cute to see them all transform in to "cowfolk".

Coming Soon...Party Pictures!!!

Just waiting on Nana to get them sent so that we can get them posted! Papa did a great job getting some fun shots, so we want to make sure to be able to share those!!! Hurry Nana and Papa!!!

Some Relaxed Family Snaps-Preparing for the Party!

My Mommy and I (or Nana and Mama-depends on who's talking)-pre-showers-look at all of that natural!!!
Daddy & Hayden-they look just a bit better than we do pre-showered!!
Grandma-such a pretty lady!
Aunt Haley-AKA Chloe's Mommy!!! All the way from Illinois!
My very handsome Grandpa-you can tell where I get my good looks!

We had a birthday party for Hayden on May 14th for his friends...and some of our family was able to join us too! The LaMours, Noels, and Andersens came to town on Thursday and Friday to help us prepare for the shindig! We had such a nice time while everyone was here-thanks for coming all the way here to help us celebrate Hayden's 2nd Birthday! We love you all!!!

Drew's First Birthday Party...

We got to head back to Independence, Kansas to celebrate Drew's first birthday and to spend some time with the Woodrich's. Drew was such a sweetie, and we had a really fun time at his party!! Afterwards we got to head over to the Woodrich's to spend the night. We had a great night...grilling out, watching the boys play...and Jeannie and I even got to sneak out for some girl time at the theater!! Thanks everyone! It was a fun weekend!

Fun in the Backyard!!!

Here is one of Hayden's cool new outside toys-he has so much fun with this thing, and it really is a challenge for him!!