Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bundled Up for Our 1st Snow!!!

We woke-up this morning to a great surprise...SNOW!!! Hayden looked out the window and was absolutely amazed...and of course...couldn't wait to get out in it! His first comment was, "I want to make a snow angel Mommy!!". Sadly, Mommy and Daddy weren't quite prepared for a fun-in-the-snow-day, so we quickly jumped in the shower and headed directly to Target to purchase the and snowpants! Thankfully they had his size in both, so we were set!

We made it home, and Daddy quickly got Hayden ready for his big adventure!! Thinking back, while this is Hayden's 3rd winter, we don't think we had actually ever taken him out to PLAY in the snow before this was a BIG deal!!!

Anyway, after MUCH preparation, Hayden was ready to go...and I was able to snag my camera for a few pictures on their way out the door!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Playin' with Daddy!

Shootin' Some Hoops-I think this is considered traveling!
Kickin' Butt in Candyland!
Huntin' Bears
Dunkin' Hayden
An Illegal "Steal"
Funny Laughing Hayden!!!
Finally Wearing His Mickey Ears!!

Lighting the Tree in Liberty

The town where we live had a tree lighting ceremony...soooo...even though it was frigid outside, we decided to bundle up and brave the cold to watch the festivities. I have to say, Jason and I were a bit underwhelmed, but we were able to meet up with our friends Leslie, Izzy and Mary (poor Ty and Jim were sitting in the car warming up), so Hayden had a great time playing with the girls. It was too darn cold for me to keep taking off my mittens to pull out the camera, so this is the only shot I got...King Tut sipping his hot chocolate!!

Showin' Off the Tat!!!

One night last week Hayden found a tattoo that he had gotten while being the cool parents that we are, we "tatted up" our baby!! Afterwards he wanted to keep his arm out of his jammies to show it off...along with his "guns"...he kept saying, "Welcome to the gun show!!". This kid cracks me up!!!

27 Weeks...And Growing!!!

I've had a few requests for some "belly pictures", so here ya go! These were taken yesterday after my ob appointment where they measured me at 27 weeks and 4 days...we're just cruisin' right along!!! I will be scheduled for my c-section on February 19th...less than 12 weeks to go!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Buttered Popcorn=A Very Happy Pregnant Lady!!!

I'm not sure if this is actually blog-worthy, but I had to share anyway...
I have officially decided that I have the world's BEST HUSBAND (or at least he's in the upper 90% Jeannie!)!!! I have been CRAVING buttered popcorn, but we both absolutely HATE making this exact moment he is out in the kitchen making me popcorn and pouring me a glass of orange juice...PLUS, it's Thursday, which means The Office, 30 Rock and Grey's!!! It doesn't get much better for an exhausted pregnant woman!!! Bring on the couch and the food!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Busy Mommy Date Day!

The New Haircut...Very Handsome!
Sound asleep after a FUN day!!!

Hayden and I had such a fun day that we both needed after being cooped up for so long with all of this darn sickness! We started out by taking him to get his haircut...and of course, it looks adorable!!! He did a great job once again...even sitting thru having it blown dry. After being such a good boy, I decided to try out The Grove since we were already over at Zona's a little play area that they just finished redoing. It turned out that it was a scheduled Mom's Club event (I didn't realize this), so we even bumped in to a few people we knew...always a nice surprise. Hayden had a great time just getting to run around and burn some energy, and I had a great time just getting to sit and relax without having to come up with 5 million ways to entertain him!! After spending about 45 mintues there, we headed over to Toys R Us and got a little Christmas shopping done...always nice. We had a great time scoping out all of the cool toys...boy is his Christmas list a long one this year!!! On our way home, my little date was tuckered out, and fell sound asleep...what a little angel! Thanks Hayden, for the fun day with Mommy!! I love you bunches...

Our Little Zebra

I finally figured out (actually Daddy did) how to get a picture up of Hayden from Halloween (no camera remember) without further adieu....our adorable little zebra!!!

Just for Jeannie!!!!

Jason decided to clean out the fridge tonight to make room for all of the holiday goodies...SEE THE EMPTY SHELF JEANNIE!?!?! Aren't you proud????

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Well, our little turkey is officially sick once again...and this time, Mama joined him in the fun! Sunday night we were both up all night sick, sick, sick. Me with the flu, Hayden coughing like crazy! Luckily Jason was able to stay home yesterday to take care of his 2 sickies...and was even able to take Hayden in to see the doctor. She listened to his chest and said that she heard some she diagnosed him with bronchitis. Ick. Of course this is being remedied with antibiotics...we're on #2 already...the first one gave him an alergic reaction. Lovely. I'm feeling BETTER...but still not 100%. Just hoping these drugs kick in quickly and that Hayden is back to normal sooner than later...and that this all avoids Jason!!!

Off for our naps...sleep is the best medicine, right?!?!?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Medicine Man

Hayden always does a great job taking his medicine...except tonight!! Poor baby had just finished eating a VERY ripe banana, and I guess the grape flavor wasn't the best choice to follow! He was a trooper though, and powered thru!!!

So Many Expressions...

Hayden's Silly Face
Hayden's Sleepy Face
Hayden's Happy Face
Another Silly Face
...and the ANGRY face...
Tonight I pulled the camera out, and Hayden informed me that he didn't want to smile for any instead I asked him to make different "faces"...what a goofball!!!

Laid Back Weekend Update's Sunday night already...honestly, where has this weekend gone!?!? We had a good one, albeit very, very relaxed. The entire thing was spent consumed with playing, projects, catching up with stuff around the house, a bit of football, and more playing. We knew that the next few weekends were going to be busy ones with the holidays approaching, so we decided to just take it easy this weekend and enjoy being a 3-some.

Unfortunately, I didn't think to take many pictures...but here's a quick recap...Saturday morning Daddy and Hayden went out for donuts and a trip to Lowes while Mommy did the grocery shopping. We all had a good with a little alone time, and the boys with a little bonding time. The rest of Saturday we cleaned, napped and played.

Sunday Hayden and Mommy let Daddy sleep in since he was up late watching the Iowa game (they won...go Hawks!!), and the two of us put together about 345 puzzles and worked on our letters for awhile. Then we all had a quiet breakfast while we read the paper...followed by...more cleaning (gotta love weekends like that!).

We all were lucky enough to get some naps in this afternoon, and for the icing on the cake...the 49ers won their 3rd game of the season! YAY!!! After an exciting game (actually it was a blowout...but we'll take it), DADDY made us all dinner, we had tubbie time, and then we all worked on some playdoh master pieces! I did manage to snag a few pictures of our playdoh fun...

Hayden is still feeling crummy...poor little guy's cough is nasty and that little nose just won't stop running. I've been trying to teach him how to "blow" all weekend, but he just sniffs instead. Unfortunately I think we're beyond the "it's just a cold" stage, so we'll be calling Dr. Morris in the morning. Keep your fingers crossed that it can be cured quickly...he's been sick for too darn long!

I'm still feeling pretty good, although I'm starting to become more and more cautious. Luckily Jason is being wonderful and chipping in so that I don't overdo things. The baby is CONSTANTLY kicking...already fighting for attention from his big brother I assume!!! I have to admit though, that I LOVE the's the one (and ONLY) thing I will miss about being pregnant. It's an amazing thing to get to experience, and I am SO blessed to have been able to go thru it twice!
Anyway, Happy Sunday to everyone...I'm off to watch "my shows"!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Mastering the Zipper!

Is there anything cuter than kids in their snuggly warm pj's? It's my favorite thing about winter!! If only I could find a pair for me!!

Attack of the...SHIRT!!!

While getting undressed for pj time the other night, Hayden literally got stuck in his shirt. I honestly think he believes it came to life and was trying to eat him...he didn't know whether to laugh or of course, I grabbed my camera! Mommy to the rescue!

Tickle Monster!

Pretending to Take a Snooze!

One of Hayden's new favorite games is to crawl into his bed and pretend to be snoozing. It's hilarious because while he's fake snoring, he also keeps his eyes wide open and whispers that he's asleep and we should be quiet! What a little ham...but it gives Mommy and Daddy a good opportunity to climb in and snuggle!!