I'm not sure about everyone else's mailboxes, but for the past few weeks, ours has been STUFFED FULL of toy catalogs (how they find out where the kids live is amazing to me!). Soo...needless to say, Hayden has been having a blast picking out the toys that he'd like Santa to "make" for him. Every day after his nap he wakes up asking for his "magazine" and we sit for a bit and check out EVERY SINGLE PAGE. I guess he thinks he's been EXTRA good this year!!
1 comment:
Oh yeah...Mary falls asleep every night with a catalog in her lap. Either from the mail or the Sunday paper, there are more toy catalogs around my house than I can count! I remember going through them as a child and gleefully circling all the amazing toys I wanted! so much fun!
BTW, where did you get Hayden's John Deere shirt?? Ty has an obession with everything John Deere (never knew a 21 month old could be so crazy about something)!
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