Unfortunately, I didn't think to take many pictures...but here's a quick recap...Saturday morning Daddy and Hayden went out for donuts and a trip to Lowes while Mommy did the grocery shopping. We all had a good time...me with a little alone time, and the boys with a little bonding time. The rest of Saturday we cleaned, napped and played.
Sunday Hayden and Mommy let Daddy sleep in since he was up late watching the Iowa game (they won...go Hawks!!), and the two of us put together about 345 puzzles and worked on our letters for awhile. Then we all had a quiet breakfast while we read the paper...followed by...more cleaning (gotta love weekends like that!).
We all were lucky enough to get some naps in this afternoon, and for the icing on the cake...the 49ers won their 3rd game of the season! YAY!!! After an exciting game (actually it was a blowout...but we'll take it), DADDY made us all dinner, we had tubbie time, and then we all worked on some playdoh master pieces! I did manage to snag a few pictures of our playdoh fun...

I'm still feeling pretty good, although I'm starting to become more and more cautious. Luckily Jason is being wonderful and chipping in so that I don't overdo things. The baby is CONSTANTLY kicking...already fighting for attention from his big brother I assume!!! I have to admit though, that I LOVE the feeling...it's the one (and ONLY) thing I will miss about being pregnant. It's an amazing thing to get to experience, and I am SO blessed to have been able to go thru it twice!
Anyway, Happy Sunday to everyone...I'm off to watch "my shows"!!!
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