At 8 months, Reagan's personality really blossoming, and it is SO much fun to watch. She is a total spitfire, very stubborn, sweet, always full of smiles, and loves to be held, played with and talked to.
Her favorite things right now are: bouncing in the jumper, any kind of attention from her brothers, reading touch and feel books (Good Morning Good Night is her very favorite), she loves to have tea parties with her brothers, chew on remotes and phones and she loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (mostly just the opening song). She loves to splash during her baths, And at the moment, her favorite foods are: Baby yogurt, sweet potatoes, bananas, mandarin oranges, and squash.
Things she's not quite digging at the moment:
Sleeping thru the night, snuggling (much to her Mommy and Daddy's dismay), diaper changes, any green vegetables, not being paid attention to, getting dressed...
Reagan is a back archer, she loves to scream and squeal, she loves to grab (and pull) hair. This week she started clicking her tongue and quasi waving bye bye. She says Dadadadadadada and we swear we've heard her say Hayden...but STILL no Mama. She's a solid sitter, and she CAN roll easily both ways, but doesn't choose to very often. If she's sitting on the floor and decides that she's done, she just throws herself backwards. (Ouch!). When she goes to bed, she likes to snuggle with her glow worm and listen to the music. She's not overly attached to her lala, but it does save the day now and then. She's still in her infant carrier, but thinking it's time to switch her out, as I can barely lift it.
I am still nursing her a few times a day-but have also just started supplementing with some formula (which I HATE!).
She weighs somewhere between 22-25 pounds, and is wearing either 12 or 18 month clothes already.
Princess still doesn't have any teeth, but just chews and chews on anything and everything.
I have to say: it is amazingly fun having a daughter. She is absolutely beautiful and incredibly smart. She has her mommy and daddy (and brothers-especially Hayden) completely wrapped around her finger-and she knows it.
She is my heart-and I feel so blessed that I get to be her mama. I also feel this incredible responsibility to teach her to be a "cool chick", self-reliant, strong and independent.
Happy 8 Months Reagan Estelle. We love you to pieces.

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