And I'm back. At least for the moment. I've been thinking a lot about things that are happening in my daily life, and realizing that, my guess is I'm not the only one going thru some of these things. And that if only I could read about someone else going thru similar situations, I might feel better about my "stuff". So, I've decided to stray away from my blogs about the kiddos and their cute mugs (although, they will probably make an appearance or 100) but I'm going to write. I'm going to write about my marriage, about parenthood, friendships, my aging parents...and me. I'll probably write a lot about me. Because I think it will be a good place to vent and a good way to find myself again. Please don't mind my punctuation, my grammar or my overuse of (...'s). Be prepared to read my won't always be pretty or politically correct but it won't be phony. It will be me.
I also feel like I need to preface this new little endeavor with some facts. Things that you, as my readers, need to remember. #1...I love my husband dearly. He is 100% my soulmate, my best friend, and the one person on this earth who I cannot even begin to imagine my life without. He knows me-the good, the bad and the beautiful. I don't doubt for 1 second that he loves me. He is also the one person on this earth who makes me the craziest. He disappoints me, he frustrates me, and he makes me madder than anyone else. But. I love him. With all of my heart. #2...I am head over heels in love with my 3 kids. They are the best things that have ever happened to me, and they are my life. I am beyond proud of them, and they are my whole heart. They also make me crazy-on a daily basis. I fail daily in my mothering. Daily. But I try. I always try. And I love them.
So, with that out of the way...I feel like I can get started. Thanks for reading. You all rock.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Friday, January 11, 2013
Newest Morehead
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Happy 8 Months to Miss Reagan
Where oh where has the time gone?!?!?
At 8 months, Reagan's personality really blossoming, and it is SO much fun to watch. She is a total spitfire, very stubborn, sweet, always full of smiles, and loves to be held, played with and talked to.
Her favorite things right now are: bouncing in the jumper, any kind of attention from her brothers, reading touch and feel books (Good Morning Good Night is her very favorite), she loves to have tea parties with her brothers, chew on remotes and phones and she loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (mostly just the opening song). She loves to splash during her baths, And at the moment, her favorite foods are: Baby yogurt, sweet potatoes, bananas, mandarin oranges, and squash.
Things she's not quite digging at the moment:
Sleeping thru the night, snuggling (much to her Mommy and Daddy's dismay), diaper changes, any green vegetables, not being paid attention to, getting dressed...
Reagan is a back archer, she loves to scream and squeal, she loves to grab (and pull) hair. This week she started clicking her tongue and quasi waving bye bye. She says Dadadadadadada and we swear we've heard her say Hayden...but STILL no Mama. She's a solid sitter, and she CAN roll easily both ways, but doesn't choose to very often. If she's sitting on the floor and decides that she's done, she just throws herself backwards. (Ouch!). When she goes to bed, she likes to snuggle with her glow worm and listen to the music. She's not overly attached to her lala, but it does save the day now and then. She's still in her infant carrier, but thinking it's time to switch her out, as I can barely lift it.
I am still nursing her a few times a day-but have also just started supplementing with some formula (which I HATE!).
She weighs somewhere between 22-25 pounds, and is wearing either 12 or 18 month clothes already.
Princess still doesn't have any teeth, but just chews and chews on anything and everything.
I have to say: it is amazingly fun having a daughter. She is absolutely beautiful and incredibly smart. She has her mommy and daddy (and brothers-especially Hayden) completely wrapped around her finger-and she knows it.
She is my heart-and I feel so blessed that I get to be her mama. I also feel this incredible responsibility to teach her to be a "cool chick", self-reliant, strong and independent.
Happy 8 Months Reagan Estelle. We love you to pieces.

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At 8 months, Reagan's personality really blossoming, and it is SO much fun to watch. She is a total spitfire, very stubborn, sweet, always full of smiles, and loves to be held, played with and talked to.
Her favorite things right now are: bouncing in the jumper, any kind of attention from her brothers, reading touch and feel books (Good Morning Good Night is her very favorite), she loves to have tea parties with her brothers, chew on remotes and phones and she loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (mostly just the opening song). She loves to splash during her baths, And at the moment, her favorite foods are: Baby yogurt, sweet potatoes, bananas, mandarin oranges, and squash.
Things she's not quite digging at the moment:
Sleeping thru the night, snuggling (much to her Mommy and Daddy's dismay), diaper changes, any green vegetables, not being paid attention to, getting dressed...
Reagan is a back archer, she loves to scream and squeal, she loves to grab (and pull) hair. This week she started clicking her tongue and quasi waving bye bye. She says Dadadadadadada and we swear we've heard her say Hayden...but STILL no Mama. She's a solid sitter, and she CAN roll easily both ways, but doesn't choose to very often. If she's sitting on the floor and decides that she's done, she just throws herself backwards. (Ouch!). When she goes to bed, she likes to snuggle with her glow worm and listen to the music. She's not overly attached to her lala, but it does save the day now and then. She's still in her infant carrier, but thinking it's time to switch her out, as I can barely lift it.
I am still nursing her a few times a day-but have also just started supplementing with some formula (which I HATE!).
She weighs somewhere between 22-25 pounds, and is wearing either 12 or 18 month clothes already.
Princess still doesn't have any teeth, but just chews and chews on anything and everything.
I have to say: it is amazingly fun having a daughter. She is absolutely beautiful and incredibly smart. She has her mommy and daddy (and brothers-especially Hayden) completely wrapped around her finger-and she knows it.
She is my heart-and I feel so blessed that I get to be her mama. I also feel this incredible responsibility to teach her to be a "cool chick", self-reliant, strong and independent.
Happy 8 Months Reagan Estelle. We love you to pieces.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Dress for success
Nothing Beats $1 Sundaes
Sleepless Nights
There is SO much to say about the past 7 1/2 months of sleepless nights-but after letting The Princess cry for the past 2 hours-while I sat on her bedroom floor and patted her every 5-10 minutes...I'm too damn tired to remember what it is.
Oh. By the way. She never stopped SCREAMING. Sooooo...

Can someone fix her for me?!?!? Please?!?!?!?
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Oh. By the way. She never stopped SCREAMING. Sooooo...

Can someone fix her for me?!?!? Please?!?!?!?
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Thursday, December 15, 2011
Sick Baby Girl
Well, I thought Jack's flu was too easy. Sure enough, it all began yesterday for Miss Reagan. And now we're rapidly approaching the 48 hour mark, and she's still not keeping breast milk down. I took her to the doctor tonight-and she's dehydrated. Soooo...we came home and she downed 4 ounces of pedialite...and....knock on wood...she's keeping it down and is sound asleep. Here's to SLEEP for ALL of us...even Jason in Des Moines.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Girlie Girl
All Dressed Up
My kiddos are rarely dressed in anything but their "comfy clothes"...but Hayden had his Pre-k Christmas program this they were all dressed up and looking adorable. Every time I look at these, I can't get over how precious my 3 babies are! I am one lucky Mama!!!!

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Sibling Love
Bouncy Girl
Reagan is 6 1/2 months old here. She LOVES her Johnny thankful to the friend who let us borrow it!!!!
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Daddy Laughs
So, every single year we watch Christmas Vacation-at least once. And every single time we watch, Jason laughs THIS hard. I caught him during the opening scene...and I SWEAR, he had no idea I was recording him- until he mentions it. Enjoy!
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Ice Cream Break
We were all hanging out in the basement watching Christmas movies, and Jackie came walking out of the toyroom carrying this baby. He brought it over to Reagan and said, "Here ya go Reagie! You can have my baby now.". Reagan grabbed her and immediately started "kissing" her. MY babies are So. Sweet.

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Monday, December 12, 2011
Story time fun!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
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