It was a bit chilly on Easter Saturday, but we bundled up and went on an egg hunt! Hayden had so much fun finding all 16 eggs that Papa hid for fact, he's still walking around with the basket today! Happy 2nd Easter to our favorite little bunny!!!
On Saturday we celebrated Hayden's 2nd Easter with Nana, Papa and Uncle Brandyn in our new home in Liberty, MO. We started the day by coloring eggs, which Hayden LOVED!! Normally he's pretty hesitant about getting his hands dirty, but he dove right in, and his VERY stained hands didn't slow him down a bit! Mommy and Daddy were a little jumpy since our house is only a week old...but we managed to contain the mess and we all had lots of fun watching our little artist!
We had 2 Easter surprise deliveries this weekend...some beautiful tulips from the Kilburgs and some adorable (and not to mention YUMMY) cookies from the Woodrichs!! Thanks guys...very thoughtful, and very much appreciated! 2 perfect bouquets!
Jeannie and Michael came up to visit us in our new house this week, and we had so much fun spending time with was just like old times! We had two great days with them...but it went WAY TOO FAST...and we can't wait until we can do it again!
After a fun couple of hours shopping with Mommy...not to mention eating an entire piece of Sabarros pizza...I got to go on these really cool ride cuz I was a good boy! Mommy put some money in the firetruck, but I decided that I liked them better when they weren't moving!
"Wow Mama! Look at the "brogs"!!! Aren't they cute?!?!?
Daddy and I checking out some "bish"
Mommy, Daddy and Me! Daddy and Papa driving the barge! Daddy was being cautious and couldn't take his eyes off the "road"! Nana and Mama-my 2 favorite girls! Uncle Brandyn and Me...I was being a pistol!
While Mommy and I were staying at Nana and Papa's house recovering from our sickness, Daddy got to come up from Kansas City and spend a day with us! We had so much fun just hanging out with Nana, Papa and Uncle Brandyn...but Mommy and I were sick of being stuck inside, so we all took a fieldtrip and headed to the aquarium for some fun! There was lots of really cool stuff to see...big "bish", "brogs...bibbit" otters, and even some alligators! My favorites were the "brogs...bibbit" of course! I had to make sure to go back to their houses and say "bye-bye" before we left. I'm sure they were really sad to see me go!