Friday, April 1, 2011

Quick Update

Ahhh...where to begin?!?! Things have been absolutely crazy around here lately, and unfortunately, I'm sure I've missed some key posting opportunities. So, instead, I'm just going to do a quick recap of the past few weeks.

•a few weeks ago my awesome, beautiful, amazingly thoughtful friends threw me a fabulous baby shower. It was full of pink, loaded with advice, and it made everything seem real and exciting.

•Last week Hayden and I got hit with a nasty case of the flu. Both of us had high temps, vomiting, etc. I ended up having to go to the hospital for a few hours-was dehydrated, and wanted to have the baby checked out. Luckily it was all short-lived and we were back on our feet after a few days.

•My stepdad's dad passed away last week. Although moments like that are never easy, Carl was 93 and lived a full life. Our family made the trip to Iowa for the services and were happy that we were able to be there for Mike.

•Hayden started soccer this past week. He is playing for the Western Missouri Soccer League-and it seems like a pretty amazing program. He had a blast at his first practice-and will play in his first game in April 9th.

•Jackson is all about talking and throwing fits. He has hit a brand new stage, and it's incredible how many words my little guy has now! He announced the other day that he wants to be a soccer player when he grows up. Such a goofball!

•I had my 32 week baby appointment today with Dr. Morris, and an ultrasound this past Monday. On Monday the baby was weighing 3lbs 14oz. Today her heartbeat was 142. All looks great so far! We also went ahead and scheduled my c-section and my tubal. Whew. If everything goes as planned, we will be meeting our baby girl on May 18th. With that date, she will share her birthday with her cousin Chloe, and will be born the day after her Aunt Jill's birthday (not to mention 4 days after her Daddy's).

•Jason and I are still no closer to a decision about our daughter's name. This is more frustrating than I can even put into words.

•bunk bed order will be placed this weekend for our big boys. Aye, aye, aye.

•baby Girl's bedding has arrived...and I'm thinking it's not going to look right with our nursery furniture. May have to go with our 2nd choice.

Okay, I think that's everything for the moment. Pictures soon!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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