Every night before bed, Hayden gets to choose 4 books to read as part of his bedtime routine. They are always different, so it's always a surprise to us which he'll choose. Tonight, one of the books he chose was Fidgety Fish by Ruth Galloway. Now, admittedly, he's had this book for quite awhile, but it's also a book that we swap out a lot, so it's NOT one that is read to him too often. Anyway, as usual, Daddy was reading the stories, which is normally my cue to head out and enjoy 20 minutes all to myself...but for some reason, Hayden wanted me to stay in his room and listen to the stories too...so I did. When Jason got to Fidgety Fish he was able read the first line of the first page, and then Hayden took over. That kid literally read the ENTIRE BOOK to us!!! Jason read along to himself to see how accurate he was...and he was RIGHT ON!!! We're not delusional...we are fully aware of the fact that our 2 year old can't yet read...which just means that he had that ENTIRE BOOK MEMORIZED!!!! Again...BABY GENIUS!!!
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