Thursday, October 30, 2008

In Need of a Friend!!!

I guess I haven't really realized it, but now, after this morning's events, it's dawned on me that it's been awhile since Hayden's gotten to play with any kiddos his own age. We haven't been attending anything with our Mom's Groups lately due to sickness, conflicting schedules or just being out of town. Fall is always hectic for us-filled with trips back to Iowa for Hawkeye games, etc...and with me being pregnant this year, it's taking me a bit longer when we get home to bounce back.

Anyway, why did this all dawn on me today? Well, Hayden and I actually got out of the house this morning-the first time since we got back from Iowa on Sunday. Sunday night Hayden woke-up with a cold...and I soon followed suit...even Daddy got in on the action. So, although we had a lot of things planned for this week, we've had to skip it all while we try to get better in time for trick-or-treating on Friday. BUT...when I opened the fridge last night to try to make something for dinner I realized that a trip to the store needed to be in our immediate future...and this morning when Hayden woke-up and asked me for a donut, I thought...perfect...we'll hit HyVee-have a donut, and then grab our groceries. A nice little outting for us. So, that's exactly what we did-and we actually enjoyed ourselves...yes, at the grocery store!! Even better for us-the weather is fantastic-the van said 69 at 10:00-so when we got home I let Hayden play outside for a bit while I unloaded the groceries. When I finished, I joined him in the driveway for awhile, and then decided it was time to head inside.

Here's the part you've been waiting for...while we were walking upstairs, Hayden saw a fly on the inside of the sidelight on the front door. He got really excited and told me that it was his "little buddy". I didn't think much of it, and went the rest of the way upstairs and started doing some stuff around the house. Normally Hayden is my shaddow, so when I didn't see him AND I couldn't hear him, I went looking...he was sitting on the landing talking to his "buddy". He thinks the fly is a bee-and was telling the "bee" how silly he is...and how it was time for the "bee" to come upstairs to play in Hayden's room. Since the "bee" wasn't obeying, Hayden told the "bee" that he was going to "count to 3 and he better get his bottom upstairs" (hmm...wonder where he got that!?!?!?!) or, "he'd be in timeout!!!" Well, unfortunately for both me and Hayden, the "bee" listened and flew right up the stairs...only problem is, now we can't find him and Hayden is beside himself. I think I finally have him convinced that we'll find the "bee" later...but I don't think he's going to give up on his "buddy" any time soon.

Poor kid...needless to say, we'll be attending ALL of the Mom's Group events next week!!!


Anonymous said...

Dawn this is hilarious!!!!! LMBO!!!!!!!!!
Liz K

Anonymous said...

Dawn this is hilarious!!!!! LMBO!!!!!!!!!
Liz K