Thursday, November 10, 2011

Memories-and Pudding

Just a quickie here:
I can remember, almost like it was yesterday, when I was a little girl...on very special occassions, my mom would make a box of chocolate AND a box of vanilla instant pudding. Then she would pour it into wine glasses-making layers, top it with whipped cream if we had it, and sometimes, even a cherry.
I thought it was SO fancy and that we must be the fanciest people I was positive only FANCY people ate layered instant pudding out of wine glasses.
This is a wonderful memory for me-so today, while my kiddos ate ravioli from a can (another childhood favorite) for lunch, I made them fancy layered instant pudding desserts. And low and behold-they LOVED it!!!! I love sharing simple things like that from my childhood with my kids. And I love it even more when it excites them and makes them feel special.

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