Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mr. Scrambles

Hayden with Mr. Scrambles
Nana and Hayden hiding their eyes while Daddy hides Mr. Scrambles

The cool spoon that is for the Spoon Race game...Hayden wants to use it for eating his dinner...hmmm...maybe he'd actually feed himself then!!

Daddy, Hayden and Nana playing a Mr. Scrambles game

Our friends Jamie, Chris, Devin and Gavin sent Hayden a "Big Brother" gift (how sweet, right!?!?), and boy do we have a blast with that thing! It's a game called Mr. Scrambles, and Hayden LOVES it!! Thanks so much for thinking of him guys!!! It was very sweet of you...love you all muches!

1 comment:

Jamie Short said...

I'm so glad he likes his game. You know my grandma always got other siblings gifts when there was a new baby as well and it's just something that I thought was a great idea! Something I picked up from my wonderful grandmother!

Miss you guys and can't wait until we can see Jackson and Hayden again!