Friday, March 4, 2011

The Boys: March 2011

Thought it would be fun to do an updated post about the boys and where they're both at right now. They change so frequently, that I miss a lot, so doing these will help me remember the little men they were in 2011.


  • Hayden is 4 3/4...I know this sounds funny, but I literally got an email about him yesterday that said this, and it struck's true too...4 3/4. Wow.

  • He is weighing in at a whopping 34 pounds these days-we never thought he'd break thru the 30 pound mark-but his eating is improving and he's growing, growing, growing. Of course, he's still on the small side-but Jason is confident that he'll catch up. I think he'll just always be Mommy's peanut.

  • H's favorites these days: Transformers (the 80's version)...the three boys watch an episode every night before bed, and it truely is the highlight of their day. He's also still a Scooby fanatic, and he also enjoys any "super heros". He loves to watch tv and movies, and would do it all day long if we'd let him. He also loves to play video games (angry birds, mario, sonic...). He's still a mac and cheese boy, he loves donuts and pancakes, fruit snacks and ice cream too.

  • Hayden is a book junkie-lately he loves going to the library and picking out "looking at books" (books about animals, space, weather, geography...). We've also recently started reading some chapter books, and he's following right along and is excited each night to read a few chapters.

  • Hayden is in Preschool at Shoal Creek with Melissa Gann as his teacher. He really loves his school, his classmates and his teachers. His best buddies in his class this year are: Sawyer Lewis, Girl Sawyer (lol), Gavin, Dylan and Alex. This is his 2nd year in preschool, but this year we've been focusing a lot more on the social aspect of it all. He's been helping Mrs. Gann out a lot in the classroom, making friends and leading a lot better, and he's doing great with all of the aspects that he struggled a bit with last year. Mrs. Gann spoke with us during his conferences this year and said that she was a bit concerned that he wasn't being challenged-so she's been sending home some homework, and we work on that nightly with him. He enjoys doing it, and we're seeing some improvement in his writing and other skills.

  • Pre-K is up next, and sadly we will be leaving Shoal Creek and Hayden will start attending Second Friends Preschool. The class that he's in is a trasitional class-specifically designed for the kiddos with the later birthdays who are being "held back". We visited the school this past week, and Jason and I are super excited to have him enrolled here. We will miss Mrs. Gann, and I hate the thought of leaving, but we both think this is a great "next step" for Hayden.

  • Friends: Hayden has become a pretty social kid, but he has his bff's for sure! He just got to spend a week playing with his oldest friend Michael while Jason and I were in Mexico. They don't get to see each other often, but always seem to be able to pick up right where they left off and have fun together. He also loves to get to play with Oliver and Milo, he really enjoys playing with Owen when we get too...which doesn't happen too often, Alex and Max are favorites, and the rest are just icing on the cake!!

  • Hayden has become a pretty awesome big brother! He's great with Jack and they play together really well. He can always figure out what Jack is trying to say-before Jason and I most times, and he's great about helping out when I ask him! It took Hayden a little while to come around to the idea of having a baby sister, but now that he's had time to get used to it, I think he's really excited, and I know he'll be great with her! He's filled his role as the oldest with flying colors!!!

  • Hayden just finished with basketball and did great with that. Daddy and I just signed him up for tball and he'll also be starting soccer. We've finally graduated from the "bitty" sports and are now moving into the real deal. He'll have practices and games-this is all very exciting for all of us!!!


  • Jackson just turned 2 on February 19th, and he wasted no time embracing the 2's!

  • He's weighing in at 28 pounds, and is extremely tall for his age. He's lost most of his "baby fat", and my guess is that he's going to be my tall lanky boy.

  • Jack still has a "goopy" eye now and then. It's his left, and while it drives me insane, it really doesn't seem to bother him much.

  • He has the funniest little personality. He's never been a huge fan of people outside of the 3 of us...but I'm slowly seeing some changes there. He has a deep little voice and always sounds (and looks) super grumpy-which adds to his personality and totally cracks us up.

  • Jack is talking, talking, talking now. And along with all of the talking has come the demanding. He's a boy who knows what he wants (and doesn't want) and isn't shy about asking for it.

  • He's our eater-when he feels like it. He'll try just about anything-especially if he can dip it in ketchup. One of his favorites: pancakes with syrup and ketchup. Mmmm!!!

  • Jack loves books-he likes to sit and "read" to himself and he loves to be read to. It's rare if there aren't piles of books scattered thru the house in all different rooms. Several times per day he goes into his room, grabs a stack, and comes out saying "heaby" (heavy) and then plops down and starts reading.

  • Jackson's Favorites: Jackson is a big Curious George fan-it was the theme for his 2nd birthday, and it's always the first thing he asks for when he wakes from his naps. He also loves the Transformers, blocks, coloring, and cars. Jack is a pizza fanatic, he loves juice, grapes, cheese, pancakes and donuts. Jack usually prefers to play with whatever Hayden is playing with-no matter what it is.

  • Jackson is still getting his lala's at night and during naptime. I just haven't had the heart to take them away, altho, I'm well aware that it's time.

  • He's a very independent little boy-very different from his big brother. He doesn't ask for help much, and if you offer, his response is typically, "Jackie try" or "me do it". I love this about him-except when I'm in a hurry or trying to keep the messes under control.

  • Jack just finished with his first session of tumbling. We don't think it was his favorite thing, so we're going to try to find something different to get him involved with. Swimming lessons are on the agenda for sure...which will happen for both boys. I think we're going to need more days in the week!

Baby Girl:

Thought I should include her as well! :)

  • Names: Jason and I have it narrowed down to Madison or Reagan. We love both names, and I have no idea how we're going to choose. Other names we considered: Addison, Eden, Emerson (me) and Camryn (me).

  • We are now getting ultrasounds every month and so far everything is looking awesome! Baby Girl is weighing in at 2 pounds 9 ounces at her 27 1/2 week check. This is actually big-which surprised us all.

  • She's not much of a mover-nothing like her brothers. I do feel kicks and flutters throughout the day, but just not nearly as often as I did with the boys.

  • Her due date is May 25th, but we're thinking the c-section will be scheduled for May 18th (she will share a birthday with my cousin's daughter Chloe).

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