I realize that there have been many posts in the past discussing poop...so why not add another!!! This one stars our baby genius Jackson (yes, we've been blessed with multiple baby genius's)!
Hayden's brand new trick is...every time he poops, he sticks both arms straight out in front of him and pulls on one of his sleeves. The motion is something like he's trying to get his shirt off. I know, this is very strange, and I have no idea why he's connecting the two things...pooping = pulling shirt off in his little mind...but I love that we now have a signal...and strangely enough, I couldn't be more proud!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
A New Nickname for his Baby Brother
Almost every second of almost every day I feel very blessed to have these two amazingly sweet, smart and very funny little boys! Today was no exception...and while there were three or four seconds of my day that were completely devoted to figuring out how to go about trading them in for puppies...I totally regretted those thoughts after hearing Hayden (repeatedly) refer to Jackson as "his Little"! It's a fairly new thing, but has completely replaced his previous nicknames of Baby Huffington and Fat Jack. This one is my favorite by far...and if it's possible it may have made me love him even a little bit more!!!!

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A Wonderful Doctor
We all know what a Hypo I am...I worry about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING when it comes to illness or even the THOUGHT of illness (which usually turns into me or one of the kids having said illness), so the need for a thoughtful, understanding and thorough doctor is a MUST for our family. Luckily when we relocated to Liberty I was given the name of a doctor that a friend (who is also very "cautious") had all good things to say about. When I called to schedule an appointment with her, I thought that she only saw women for our fun "women stuff", but it turns out that she is also a family doctor.
Since we moved here, I became pregnant...which she saw me thru, had a c-section...which she was there for, and she has seen me, my boys and Jason thru COUNTLESS illnesses...and even was there for us thru a miscarriage. She takes my calls in the middle of the night, on the weekends, ALWAYS. She is always calming and understanding...and I always come away from our "talks" much less panicked.
I'm sure she's well compensated for all of the above...but something I'm sure she's not compensated for is the heart that she shows. She calls to check on us, she kisses up my kids when we're there, and she's hugged me thru many stressful times.
Here's an example:
This past week, our entire family was sick with colds. Of course, as is usually the case, Hayden and I were hit the hardest...but we were all feeling miserable. On Monday Jackson had his 1 year check-up, so we thought, while we were there, we'd have her check the rest of us out too. After examining us, she said that it was "just a cold" and that it needed to run it's course. On Wednesday, Hayden had suffered thru 2 days of 104+ temps and was starting to sound funny when he was breathing...so she wanted me to bring him in to run some tests. Thankfully all the tests came back "normal" and he just had to wait the virus out. Today is Friday, and I just got off the phone with her...but this time, it was HER calling US to check in on Hayden and make sure that he's doing better. I've dealt with many, many doctors over the years...even ones that I've liked...but I've never dealt with one who has shown my family so much HEART...and that is what really makes a Wonderful Doctor in my book.
Since we moved here, I became pregnant...which she saw me thru, had a c-section...which she was there for, and she has seen me, my boys and Jason thru COUNTLESS illnesses...and even was there for us thru a miscarriage. She takes my calls in the middle of the night, on the weekends, ALWAYS. She is always calming and understanding...and I always come away from our "talks" much less panicked.
I'm sure she's well compensated for all of the above...but something I'm sure she's not compensated for is the heart that she shows. She calls to check on us, she kisses up my kids when we're there, and she's hugged me thru many stressful times.
Here's an example:
This past week, our entire family was sick with colds. Of course, as is usually the case, Hayden and I were hit the hardest...but we were all feeling miserable. On Monday Jackson had his 1 year check-up, so we thought, while we were there, we'd have her check the rest of us out too. After examining us, she said that it was "just a cold" and that it needed to run it's course. On Wednesday, Hayden had suffered thru 2 days of 104+ temps and was starting to sound funny when he was breathing...so she wanted me to bring him in to run some tests. Thankfully all the tests came back "normal" and he just had to wait the virus out. Today is Friday, and I just got off the phone with her...but this time, it was HER calling US to check in on Hayden and make sure that he's doing better. I've dealt with many, many doctors over the years...even ones that I've liked...but I've never dealt with one who has shown my family so much HEART...and that is what really makes a Wonderful Doctor in my book.
A Typical Morning
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Apparently there's even an app for this!!! I'm seriously addicted to this thing...and I wonder why I'm constantly needing to recharge!
...on with the blogging...
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...on with the blogging...
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Always Regrets
As hard a I try, I almost ALWAYS miss getting a photo with someone important...and this time was no different. You'd think I'd learn...one of the biggest regrets I have is never getting a picture of Jackson with my Grandma before she passed away. Unfortunately, Jackson had very little time with her...and now I'll never be able to show him a picture of her holding him...and it's so sad because in the little time that they had together, Grandma and Jack had formed a bond, and Grandma seemed to absolutely ADORE him. I guess the stories will just have to suffice.
Thankfully I have many, many pictures of my grandpa with my boys...but on this particular trip, I don't think I got ANY with Grandpa and Jackson. Sorry Jackie...but Grandpa WAS there...and here's proof:
Thankfully I have many, many pictures of my grandpa with my boys...but on this particular trip, I don't think I got ANY with Grandpa and Jackson. Sorry Jackie...but Grandpa WAS there...and here's proof:
Grandpa doin' what he does best!
I also don't want to forget Jackson, Grandpa worked and worked with you and finally taught you to clap your hands when he said "patty cake"...it was so cute...and he was SO proud!!!
February 19th, 2010-Jackson's First Birthday-Day!
Yes, we had a party on Saturday, February 20th...but we had a little mini-party at our house on his actual birthday too!!! Lucky for Jackson, some of his favorites just happened to be in town to help us celebrate!!! What a fun night we had!!! Thanks for being here Noels, Grandpa, and Woodrich Family!
Rubber Duckie...Jackson's 1
As I do every single year, I agonized over the "theme" for Jackson's first birthday party...and after lots of thinking, researching and more thinking...I decided to go with Rubber Duckies. I remember planning Hayden's first birthday, and I actually struggled because there were SO many things that he liked already. (of course, we ended up going with something he had ZERO interest in at the time...but it was cute!) But with Jackson, he doesn't show much interest in specific things, ie: toys, cartoons, books, etc. After thinking about it tho, I realized that the highlight of everyday for him is BATHTIME...and what could be cuter than duckies, right!?!?! So duck hunting I went...and ducks I found!!! I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get any photos of the party ROOM completely decorated, but let me just say...there were ducks galore! Jackson had a ball playing with the balloons we had blown up and scattered across the floor to resemble bubbles...he had lots of his little friends there, his Nana, Papa, Uncle Brandyn and Great Grandpa drove down from Iowa. His Godmother Jeannie and her family came from Nebraska, and his Godfather Andrew made it down in a snow/fog storm from Iowa. We felt so blessed by all of the people there who love our little guy and who WANTED to be there to celebrate with him. Thanks to all of you for making it such a fun celebration!!!
The First Year...GONE!!!

I know, it's SUCH a cliche, but I absolutely CANNOT believe how fast Jackson's year went. It really does feel like he was just born yesterday...I can honestly still FEEL the emotions of being a brand new mommy again. But at the same time, I can barely remember a time before Jackson was a member of our family. He is THE MOST amazing little man...he's sweet and lovey, he's laid back, and he loves nothing more than to snuggle and be played with. He has a beautiful smile, and eyes that melt my heart. I'd say, for the first 9 months of his life, he was 100% go with the flow...truthfully, there were many times when both Jason and I would just forget that he was even there...and then all of a sudden we'd panic and realize that he was just chillin'. He must have heard us say that one too many times, because around the 9 month mark, our little man gained quite a little personality. He's a silly little guy...he loves to point to tell us what he wants, he loves to play in toilet water, he loves to eat bananas...and most o f all, he LOVES...more than anything...to play with his brother and to get some Hayden attention. We are having so much fun with this little man...trying to take it all in and enjoy him and all of his little moments as much as we can.
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