I know, it's SUCH a cliche, but I absolutely CANNOT believe how fast Jackson's year went. It really does feel like he was just born yesterday...I can honestly still FEEL the emotions of being a brand new mommy again. But at the same time, I can barely remember a time before Jackson was a member of our family. He is THE MOST amazing little man...he's sweet and lovey, he's laid back, and he loves nothing more than to snuggle and be played with. He has a beautiful smile, and eyes that melt my heart. I'd say, for the first 9 months of his life, he was 100% go with the flow...truthfully, there were many times when both Jason and I would just forget that he was even there...and then all of a sudden we'd panic and realize that he was just chillin'. He must have heard us say that one too many times, because around the 9 month mark, our little man gained quite a little personality. He's a silly little guy...he loves to point to tell us what he wants, he loves to play in toilet water, he loves to eat bananas...and most o f all, he LOVES...more than anything...to play with his brother and to get some Hayden attention. We are having so much fun with this little man...trying to take it all in and enjoy him and all of his little moments as much as we can.
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