Friday, February 26, 2010

A Wonderful Doctor

We all know what a Hypo I am...I worry about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING when it comes to illness or even the THOUGHT of illness (which usually turns into me or one of the kids having said illness), so the need for a thoughtful, understanding and thorough doctor is a MUST for our family. Luckily when we relocated to Liberty I was given the name of a doctor that a friend (who is also very "cautious") had all good things to say about. When I called to schedule an appointment with her, I thought that she only saw women for our fun "women stuff", but it turns out that she is also a family doctor.
Since we moved here, I became pregnant...which she saw me thru, had a c-section...which she was there for, and she has seen me, my boys and Jason thru COUNTLESS illnesses...and even was there for us thru a miscarriage. She takes my calls in the middle of the night, on the weekends, ALWAYS. She is always calming and understanding...and I always come away from our "talks" much less panicked.
I'm sure she's well compensated for all of the above...but something I'm sure she's not compensated for is the heart that she shows. She calls to check on us, she kisses up my kids when we're there, and she's hugged me thru many stressful times.
Here's an example:
This past week, our entire family was sick with colds. Of course, as is usually the case, Hayden and I were hit the hardest...but we were all feeling miserable. On Monday Jackson had his 1 year check-up, so we thought, while we were there, we'd have her check the rest of us out too. After examining us, she said that it was "just a cold" and that it needed to run it's course. On Wednesday, Hayden had suffered thru 2 days of 104+ temps and was starting to sound funny when he was she wanted me to bring him in to run some tests. Thankfully all the tests came back "normal" and he just had to wait the virus out. Today is Friday, and I just got off the phone with her...but this time, it was HER calling US to check in on Hayden and make sure that he's doing better. I've dealt with many, many doctors over the years...even ones that I've liked...but I've never dealt with one who has shown my family so much HEART...and that is what really makes a Wonderful Doctor in my book.

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