Sunday, March 28, 2010

Always Tomorrow...

Ahhh...another fun weekend is coming to a close. I can't believe that this was our last in March 2010!!! It seems like it was just LAST spring...when we were all getting used to the Morehead 4!!! Hayden was just fully potty trained, Jackson was tiny, and Jason and I weren't sure we'd ever get another full-night's rest!!! It's amazing how much has changed in the past year!

One year ago, on a night like tonight, things would have looked much different. I would have spent the majority in our bedroom, snuggled up with Jackson, nursing and dozing while Hayden and Jason would have spent the evening playing race tracks and wrestling. One year later, we spent the evening as a 4-some, playing downstairs...a bit of Mario, while Hayden and I snuggled, Jackson climbed on everything in sight, giggled at everything Jason said and did, and eventually started waving-a sure sign that it was bedtime. Instead of it taking, well, all night to feed him and get him to sleep, it took a little rocking, some milk and a few songs...then down he went, and we won't hear from him again until the morning. Amazing. A year ago, after going thru our bedtime routine with Hayden (teeth brushing, vitamins, reading, prayers, snuggles and talking about our day), he would have gotten up AT LEAST 3 or 4 times, snuck downstairs, and we would have to drag him back up 3 or 4 times and start all over. Now, we go thru our routine, say goodnight...and we're done. Again, amazing.

At the same time, these things...these milestones, that we thought were SO exhausting, SO never ending, SO HARD...are SO temporary. And while those things were all of that...along with those milestones came amazing feelings. Feelings and moments and emotions that are gone now for good with our two boys. They are growing so quickly. Every day I wonder where the time has it's possible for Hayden to be on the fast track to 4, and for Jackson to be 13 months already. I miss that baby smell from them, I miss them fitting just perfectly in my arms, I miss holding them while they sleep, and those perfect little gummy smiles. I miss the cooing and their little fingers wrapped so sweetly around one of mine.

Don't get me wrong...I love this time with them too. I am thankful each day to be a mommy to a 3 year old and a 1 year old. I love Hayden's humor, and how it sounds when he calls me Mommy. I love Jackson's giggles and his wide-mouthed-tongue-sticking-out-slobbery kisses. I love that they will both still sit so sweetly in our laps and snuggle at night, I love that they both adore books, and that both still think Jason and I are the most amazing people in the world. I love watching Hayden peice things together for himself...and I'm even seeing that in Jackson now!

All I'm saying is that, as a Mommy, it's so important that I remember to take the time...even when I don't think there's any time TO take, step back and take a mental picture of what's happening NOW. Not to take it all for granted and think that the next day (and the next) will bring the same things...because they won't. Each day with these boys is precious. Each is unique and special and amazing. Tomorrow brings new. New memories, new amazing moments, new frustrations....just NEW. Tomorrow my boys will be a bit taller, a bit older, a bit wiser, and a bit closer to being men and our time together being over. Everyone always says it, and I know how cliche it sounds, but time goes so darn fast the moment you give birth to your first child...and I'm just taking a moment to remind myself that before I know'll be tomorrow yet again.

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