•just turned 13 months old
•is cruising like a little speed racer...and actually took his first two steps today...from Hayden's chair to his bed
•prefers to only eat bananas...although I can sometimes sneak in peas, cheese, hot dogs and manderine oranges (where did my good eater go?!?!?)
•he has been taking swimming lessons with Mama, which has been fun! he gets very excited when we're putting on his trunks
•still only working with 4 teeth...keep thinking more are coming...but nada!
•he LOVES his big brother, and follows him around constantly...
•his absolute FAVORITE place to be is the bathtub...when he hears the water running he starts trying to pull his shirt off
•he says dada, hay, mama, ni ni, nana (for banana, sorry Mom), mmmm (milk)...he also barks when asked what a puppy says, and says vroooom while playing cars.
•he's a BIG pointer...which is how we know what he wants
•he's a total climber...and is always getting in and out if their short chairs and on and off the fireplace
•is 3 years and 9 months old
• has a chore chart, and is now earning a small allowance
•goes to school 2 days per week, for 3 hours...and loves it!
• he has made some great connections with friends and some parents, which is amazing for me to see.
• he absolutely adores scooby doo, and honestly believes that "the gang" is coming for a sleepover soon! he even has the sleeping arrangements planned out
•he has learned how to write his name, and is perfecting the other letters as well
•his favorite thing to do with Daddy is play Mario
•he has been searching for signs of spring, and is thrilled when he sees robins green grass, and flowers
•he has been great about playing with his brother, and is always looking out for him
•he's still a snuggler, and daddy and i love it!
•his favorite food is chicken nuggets or mac and cheese...but he'd still rather do just about ANYTHING rather than eat.
•daddy and Hayden have been going out for donuts and to lowes for a building workshop twice a month. they love it, and he's very proud of his accomplishments.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
1 comment:
Both adorable pictures of the boys!
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