Monday, March 1, 2010

Fantastic Day!

While I plan on coming back with a bunch of detailed posts recapping our day and our past weekend, I just had to post about the most fantasic day I've had with BOTH of my boys in a long time. For all of you who have or have had a three year old little man in your life, I'm sure you know all too well about the trials and tribulations that are faced in our household on a daily basis. I don't mean to sound negative here...98% of the time, Hayden is an absolute pleasure to be around. I truely love every day that we get to spend together, and I'm fully aware of how lucky I am to get to spend ALL of his moments with him...even the...not-so-fun-ones.

The reason I'm writing about today specifically is that today was one of those amazingly fun of those days that is chock full of moments that make me fully aware of WHY I always wanted to be a mommy. Hayden was so sweet today...he was full of kisses, I love you's, and snuggles. He was helpful, he listened, he thanked me for things, and was a wonderful big brother.
There was a moment, while we were at Target this morning, where we were holding hands, skipping thru the store, and Jack was sitting in the cart giggling. It was such a perfect moment!
I love my boys with my whole heart every single day...but today I might have found just a little extra space to love them even more!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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