This morning Hayden and I were looking at pictures from our vacation with the Andersens in the Ozarks. He really enjoyed seeing the pictures of "the REALLY dark cave" that we toured...and even more so...the pictures of Hayden and Chloe swimming. Since our vacation, we haven't talked much about Chloe or Haley and Nathan...they're mentioned in our prayers, but we haven't been talking to him or asking him about the vacation. However, today while we were looking at the pictures, he pointed at Chloe in the pool and said "Drew swimming!"...I looked at him, ready to correct, but he had it covered and said, "No CHLOE swimming!". Then I pointed at Haley and asked him what her name is, and he replied, with NO hesitation, "June". And Nathan? He drew a blank. (sorry Uncle Nate!)
Oh! Later this afternoon, Hayden was in the tub (messy lunch, don't ask), and I was talking to Haley. He must have overheard me mention Chloe, because all of a his own little world...he was yelling Chloe's name and having a full conversation with her. When I asked him if he missed her, his response was, "NO WAY MOMMY!!"...but then he went on to tell me that she wasn't napping, she was playing, and that she needs milk and juice!
It's so cute how he's still remembering Chloe after our trip. She must have made a big impression. This also shows me that his memory is really improving...he's getting to be such a big boy!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
New Milestone...for Mom and Dad...errr...and Hayden!!!
Today was a big day in the Morehead household...we finally took the plunge and bought Hayden his BIG BOY FURNITURE!!! We have been looking and looking...and looking (just ask Jeannie!!)...and after literally months of talking, looking, know, the usuals for us...we found a set we loved at NFM today. It took us 2 trips to the dreaded store-TODAY-the trips broken up in to a lunch break/decision making session...but we finally did it!! We were all so happy-until we walked out of the store. We told Hayden that he's getting a big boy bed, and immediately he said, "No. I don't want it. I want Hayden's bed. Michael have big boy bed." Yikes. And of course, this put Jason into a deep depression, realizing that we're taking our baby out of his crib and putting him in something big and different...and because of Hayden's reaction, all he keeps saying to me is, "Hayden doesn't WAAAANT it". Lord Help Me!
I do have to admit that it's a little sad for me too. I can still fool myself into thinking he's still a baby at night when I go in to check on him and he's all curled up and precious in his crib. It seems like just yesterday that we were setting his nursery up, and anxiously awaiting his arrival. Time has gone so fast. How is it possible that he's 2? That he's talking and walking and going to a BIG BOY BED??? Next thing I know he'll be heading off to college. Woa.
And then I remember...the crib is still going to be in use!!! Probably for another 2 years we'll still have a baby angel in there, curled up and looking precious. And Hayden, of course, will still look precious...and he'll always be my baby. Sorry Buddy...but no matter'll ALWAYS BE MOMMY'S BABY!!! No big boy bed (or college acceptance letter) is going to change that!!!!
I do have to admit that it's a little sad for me too. I can still fool myself into thinking he's still a baby at night when I go in to check on him and he's all curled up and precious in his crib. It seems like just yesterday that we were setting his nursery up, and anxiously awaiting his arrival. Time has gone so fast. How is it possible that he's 2? That he's talking and walking and going to a BIG BOY BED??? Next thing I know he'll be heading off to college. Woa.
And then I remember...the crib is still going to be in use!!! Probably for another 2 years we'll still have a baby angel in there, curled up and looking precious. And Hayden, of course, will still look precious...and he'll always be my baby. Sorry Buddy...but no matter'll ALWAYS BE MOMMY'S BABY!!! No big boy bed (or college acceptance letter) is going to change that!!!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Dancin' to Mr. Stinky Feet
Thanks for the Flowers!!

I've always been a touch strange...I've always enjoyed packing. I love going thru my clothes, deciding which outfits go together, what I'll need for make-up, jewlery, shoes...and then trying to be organized enough to fit it all in to one bag. Plus, I always thought...if I'm packing, then that means I'm traveling...which I ADORE!! Times have changed though...I now have a different view on packing. I think it changed when I had to start packing for 2...well, more like 2 1/2. Hayden needs SO much STUFF...even for just a few days!!! He not only needs clothes, but he needs EXTRA clothes because...well, because he's 2. He needs special toiletries, toys, diapers, wipes, books, his 2 blankies, pillow, toys, Tulsa Monkey, medicines (just in case), thermometer, toys, his breathing machine (again, just in case). He needs special cups and silverware...and did I mention toys? Then there's the big stuff...his pack-n-play (depending on where we're going), high chair/booster seat thingy, stroller...I's NEVER ENDING!!! PLUS...there's the stuff we'll need in the car...the DVD player, the extra books, diapers, wipes, snacks, drinks, sunglasses, cds...
Packing all of this stuff literally takes me an afternoon. And then of course, I wonder why I have forgotten MY UNDERWEAR!!!!
Sure, I can travel with the logic that...yes, almost everywhere we go there is a Target or WalMart nearby, so if things are forgotten, it's not the end of the world. However, if I leave the house and realize I've forgotten something...even something simple that can easily be replaced once we reach our destination...I'm thrown in to a panic. Silly I's my OCD acting up.
Then there's the upside-we're traveling. This also has become a new and unexpected challenge since I've entered the craziness of motherhood!!! At home we're on a schedule...on vacation, we try to stick to's impossible. So there are meltdowns. At home we try to eat fairly healthy food, ie. not french fries daily...on vacation I struggle with this. Oh...and the most fun...the baggage that now goes with us on the daily outtings DURING the vacation. The diaper bags, the cups of water, the snacks, the cars that he insists on driving around his stroller tray and dropping 5 million times. (yup...there's also the stroller)
BUT...thru the frustrations and the challenges, there's also the fun of vacationing with our son. Of doing things as a family that neither Jay nor I got to least not often. There's the excitement of getting to show him things, and watching him take it all in. There's the forming of family traditions and memories.
And that, my friends, makes the packing and the challenges 100% worthwhile. (Ask me again in 7 months when I'm packing for 3 1/2)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Beatin' the Missouri Heat
Pool Time with Uncle Brandyn and the Elmo Towel!!

We're lucky enough to live in a subdivision that has it's own pool, and we've been taking advantage of that fact for about a month. It's a great way for me to get some exercise and stretch out this quickly growing body of mine...and for Hayden to get used to the water...and boy has he!!!! He's a regular little fishy now-wanting to "float" on his tummy while he kicks his arms and legs...he also lets me show him how to float on his back. His favorite things are: Mommy hiding in the sea (which is me swimming to him underwater and grabbing him as I come up)...and Jumping in from the side. We went and bought him some "water wings" today, and I can't wait to take him to the pool tonight to try them out!!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

On Brandyn's last night with us we got to go and see an AWESOME Royals game!! It was a great way to end the vacation!!! Hayden was with us too...but somehow he didn't make any photos. We really lucked out and had an empty seat on both sides of us, so he was able to "spread out" a bit. He did great, and had a lot of fun!!! He's a people watcher, just like his mommy!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Answered Prayers
I'm sure you're all...or at least most of you are familiar with the Garth Brooks song, UnAnswered Prayers, right? Well, it's strange, but I think about that song a lot in my life. When I look back, there have been so many times when I have prayed and prayed for things, and they have gone unanswered...but in retrospect, it has all turned out for the best. Of course, when I was young, I'd pray that this or that relationship would work out...that my parents wouldn't find out that I'd skipped school, that I'd wake up and that horrible blemish would have disappeared. Sometimes my "prayers" would be answered...sometimes not. I wasn't always so shallow...I've prayed for world peace, for health, for happiness, safe flights, for safe pregnancies, for happy and healthy relationships...not not just for me, but for family and friends as well. Every night when we put Hayden to bed we say prayers...we pray for Grandpa Blaire in heaven, for all of the friends and family members that we are blessed to have in our lives...and our newest prayer includes our new baby. For those of you who are reading this and didn't know...we're expecting our 2nd child in February (the 26th to be exact). We are all thrilled...and know how extremely blessed we are and what a miracle this little life is.
That's why when I started to have some light bleeding this weekend, we immediately began praying. After talking to my very level headed OB, we decided to wait until today (Monday) to have her run some tests and to do an u/s. It was very difficult for me to leave all of this in God's hands, but as Jason kept telling me...the outcome was completely out of our hands and all we could do was to pray. So we did.
This morning we were able to get in to see our doctor, and after the exam she said that things looked positive, and that the worry factor should be about a 3 or 4...after 3 days of it being at a 15, a 3 or 4 sounded wonderful!!! She then sent us on our way for an u/s. The technician did a "normal-on the belly" scan, but couldn't tell anything for sure since I'm not very far along. So she decided to do an internal ultrasound. I was starting to worry watching her face...but finally...after what seemed to be 3 hours, but was probably more like 1 minute, she flipped the screen around and showed me my beautiful baby and the sweetest and most miraculous heart beat I have ever seen (or at least in 2 years)!!!
Unfortunately Jason and Hayden weren't able to be in the room with me during the u/s, but afterwards, the technician went and retrieved them from the waiting room, and they were able to see a clip of the baby and the heartbeat. Tears welled up in Jason's eyes immediately...and I knew right in that second that we were both head over heals in love...yet again.
And Hayden's reaction...he calls the baby a fishy...and can't stop kissing my belly.
Sooo...yet another answered prayer. Happily.
During bedtime tonight Jason and Hayden were talking about the baby, and Jason asked Hayden what he wants to name it...we ask him this quite often, and his answer has always been consistant-Horton. Tonight however, the conversation went a bit differently:
J: Hayden, does Mommy have a baby in her belly?
H: Yes (although it's more like "yeth")
J: Do you have a baby in your belly?
H: Yeth (and then he lifts his shirt to show it off)
J: What do you think we should name Mommy's baby?
H: Ummm...Cereal!
J: Cereal?!?! That's a great name! What other name do you think?
H: Hmm...Milk!
and then like a bulb had gone off...
H: I think we should name baby fruit snacks!!!
Jason and I have a ritual when we come up with a new name that we want to run by the other person...we always have the recieving person close their eyes first. So tonight when he came in and told me to close my eyes, I was expecting his standard "kinnick"...however, when I heard Cereal, Milk and Fruit Snacks, Kinnick didn't sound too bad!!!
That's why when I started to have some light bleeding this weekend, we immediately began praying. After talking to my very level headed OB, we decided to wait until today (Monday) to have her run some tests and to do an u/s. It was very difficult for me to leave all of this in God's hands, but as Jason kept telling me...the outcome was completely out of our hands and all we could do was to pray. So we did.
This morning we were able to get in to see our doctor, and after the exam she said that things looked positive, and that the worry factor should be about a 3 or 4...after 3 days of it being at a 15, a 3 or 4 sounded wonderful!!! She then sent us on our way for an u/s. The technician did a "normal-on the belly" scan, but couldn't tell anything for sure since I'm not very far along. So she decided to do an internal ultrasound. I was starting to worry watching her face...but finally...after what seemed to be 3 hours, but was probably more like 1 minute, she flipped the screen around and showed me my beautiful baby and the sweetest and most miraculous heart beat I have ever seen (or at least in 2 years)!!!
Unfortunately Jason and Hayden weren't able to be in the room with me during the u/s, but afterwards, the technician went and retrieved them from the waiting room, and they were able to see a clip of the baby and the heartbeat. Tears welled up in Jason's eyes immediately...and I knew right in that second that we were both head over heals in love...yet again.
And Hayden's reaction...he calls the baby a fishy...and can't stop kissing my belly.
Sooo...yet another answered prayer. Happily.
During bedtime tonight Jason and Hayden were talking about the baby, and Jason asked Hayden what he wants to name it...we ask him this quite often, and his answer has always been consistant-Horton. Tonight however, the conversation went a bit differently:
J: Hayden, does Mommy have a baby in her belly?
H: Yes (although it's more like "yeth")
J: Do you have a baby in your belly?
H: Yeth (and then he lifts his shirt to show it off)
J: What do you think we should name Mommy's baby?
H: Ummm...Cereal!
J: Cereal?!?! That's a great name! What other name do you think?
H: Hmm...Milk!
and then like a bulb had gone off...
H: I think we should name baby fruit snacks!!!
Jason and I have a ritual when we come up with a new name that we want to run by the other person...we always have the recieving person close their eyes first. So tonight when he came in and told me to close my eyes, I was expecting his standard "kinnick"...however, when I heard Cereal, Milk and Fruit Snacks, Kinnick didn't sound too bad!!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Coming to an End...
Our time with Brandyn is quickly coming to an end. Our stepdad Mike is driving down tomorrow night to take him home on Friday...and just like every year...I'm dreading seeing him go. Brandyn has been spending lots of time with me-staying at my apartments and houses since I had my very first place, and I've always loved the time we get to spend together. Since moving out of Dubuque, he's been spending at least a couple of weeks each summer with us, and it's always a blast-especially since we've had Hayden. It's so much fun getting to know him as an almost-grown-up, and getting to see all of the changes in his personality, in his way of looking at the world and just in his overall being. He's a really good kid-trustworthy, dependable, responsible, thoughtful and very loving. He's a fantastic uncle to Hayden...and it's so sweet how much the two of them think of each other.
There are a couple of reasons that I'm really sad about our time together coming to an end this year:
First of all-he's been a HUGE help!!! I'm not sure how many of you know this, but 2 year olds are a TON of work...and I don't mean to brag...but mine seems to bring extra for some reason. With Brandyn here, I've gotten to actually have time to myself to do things like catch up on my blog, nap, read, do things JUST FOR ME!!! It's been AWESOME...I've even gotten to go potty ALONE for the first time in 2 years!! WAHOOO!!! Hayden has a HUGE attachment to Brandyn, and when he leaves, it's going to break his little heart. I'm dreading that. I'm also dreading going back to being a single mother during the
Secondly-and most importantly-this will probably be Brandyn's last extended visit with us. He's turning 16 in September, which's time to find a job!!! Unfortunately that's going to cut into our time with him during the summer. It's been bad enough the past couple of winters while he's been working at Sundown (a ski resort), and he works his entire Christmas vacation...but now to lose our summers? Ick. I've been dreading this for years-knowing that it's been coming. I'm hoping that maybe we'll still be able to squeeze a week out of his schedule next summer...but it'll never be the same...he's growing up...and that makes me sad!
We're really going to miss him when he leaves...not just his help either...he cracks us up constantly, he's fun to spend time with, and he makes us remember what it was like to be a carefree teenager (which we all need to remember sometimes).
We're so proud of you Brandyn...we know that you're going to accomplish great things in your life, and we can't wait to watch you do it! You are a fantastic role model for H-Dogg, and he looks up to you SO MUCH!!! I love watching you spending time with my husband and my son and I love that you still enjoy coming and spending time with your big sister!
I love you very much Buddy!!! We can't wait to see you in the fall for some HAWKEYE FOOTBALL!!!
There are a couple of reasons that I'm really sad about our time together coming to an end this year:
First of all-he's been a HUGE help!!! I'm not sure how many of you know this, but 2 year olds are a TON of work...and I don't mean to brag...but mine seems to bring extra for some reason. With Brandyn here, I've gotten to actually have time to myself to do things like catch up on my blog, nap, read, do things JUST FOR ME!!! It's been AWESOME...I've even gotten to go potty ALONE for the first time in 2 years!! WAHOOO!!! Hayden has a HUGE attachment to Brandyn, and when he leaves, it's going to break his little heart. I'm dreading that. I'm also dreading going back to being a single mother during the
Secondly-and most importantly-this will probably be Brandyn's last extended visit with us. He's turning 16 in September, which's time to find a job!!! Unfortunately that's going to cut into our time with him during the summer. It's been bad enough the past couple of winters while he's been working at Sundown (a ski resort), and he works his entire Christmas vacation...but now to lose our summers? Ick. I've been dreading this for years-knowing that it's been coming. I'm hoping that maybe we'll still be able to squeeze a week out of his schedule next summer...but it'll never be the same...he's growing up...and that makes me sad!
We're really going to miss him when he leaves...not just his help either...he cracks us up constantly, he's fun to spend time with, and he makes us remember what it was like to be a carefree teenager (which we all need to remember sometimes).
We're so proud of you Brandyn...we know that you're going to accomplish great things in your life, and we can't wait to watch you do it! You are a fantastic role model for H-Dogg, and he looks up to you SO MUCH!!! I love watching you spending time with my husband and my son and I love that you still enjoy coming and spending time with your big sister!
I love you very much Buddy!!! We can't wait to see you in the fall for some HAWKEYE FOOTBALL!!!
2 Year Check-Up
Yesterday Hayden had his 2 year check-up and first appointment with our new pediatrician Dr. Morris. The appointment was a success, although a bit traumatic. On the growth chart Hayden is improving-he's in the 25% for weight and 60% for height. He now weighs a whopping 26 pounds and is 35 inches tall. Yay Hayden!! We discussed his eating habits (she isn't worried-he won't starve), how he needs to start feeding himself (this is more of a challenge for Mommy it turns out), potty training (she insisted that we don't push it-boys are usually trained closer to 3 than to 2), and just a few other general topics. Jason and I were very impressed with her, and know that we're lucky to have her as our physician.
Now for the trauma...Hayden had to get FIVE shots yesterday (2 in each leg and one in his arm). He did great-was very brave, and was finished crying long before Mommy was!!! Stickers make everything all better, and the nurse who gave him the shots, gave him at least 10 stickers!! She went from being the devil to his hero...just like that!
Of course Mommy was a mess, and ran right out and bought him a toy for being so good...but by the time I got home with it, he had forgotten all about it. Little stinker!
Today he's sore and has a temp, but is in pretty good spirits considering. I think it's going to be a day spent reading lots of books and maybe making a couple of projects-lots of low key stuff.
Now for the trauma...Hayden had to get FIVE shots yesterday (2 in each leg and one in his arm). He did great-was very brave, and was finished crying long before Mommy was!!! Stickers make everything all better, and the nurse who gave him the shots, gave him at least 10 stickers!! She went from being the devil to his hero...just like that!
Of course Mommy was a mess, and ran right out and bought him a toy for being so good...but by the time I got home with it, he had forgotten all about it. Little stinker!
Today he's sore and has a temp, but is in pretty good spirits considering. I think it's going to be a day spent reading lots of books and maybe making a couple of projects-lots of low key stuff.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
My Funny Little Boy
Okay, so a few cute little stories about Hayden tonight:
The 4 of us were outside shooting off our remaing fireworks...we were lighting sparklers (large and small ones), those weird wormy things, bottle rockets, and those snappy deals...and Hayden's favorite...poppers. Now-were they his favorite because they popped? Nope. Because they spark? Nope. Probably because of the streamers that fly out of them? Not even close. They were his favorite because of the little round disks that hold the streamers in and pop out when the string is pulled. He called them his coins...and he was gathering them out of the street and had to take each individual one and touch the light pole...telling me he was "checking his coins". Where he comes up with this stuff is absolutely beyond me...but I really do think he would have stayed out there all night had we let him. What a goofball!!!
Story number 2-Jason was putting Hayden to bed as happens almost every night. Tonight, after they finished reading stories, saying prayers and singing songs he decided to tell Daddy a story-
H: Mommy's in Trouble!
J: Why Hayden? What happened?
H: She's stuck!
J: Uh-oh-what are we gonna do?
H: We need a rope, sticky tape and a pump!
Talk about imagination!!! He is such a sweetpea, and his mind is constantly working!!! Mommy and Daddy couldn't be more proud of our little storyteller!!
Not to mention-it sounds like he may come to my rescue someday and be able to work some Macgiver magic!!!
The 4 of us were outside shooting off our remaing fireworks...we were lighting sparklers (large and small ones), those weird wormy things, bottle rockets, and those snappy deals...and Hayden's favorite...poppers. Now-were they his favorite because they popped? Nope. Because they spark? Nope. Probably because of the streamers that fly out of them? Not even close. They were his favorite because of the little round disks that hold the streamers in and pop out when the string is pulled. He called them his coins...and he was gathering them out of the street and had to take each individual one and touch the light pole...telling me he was "checking his coins". Where he comes up with this stuff is absolutely beyond me...but I really do think he would have stayed out there all night had we let him. What a goofball!!!
Story number 2-Jason was putting Hayden to bed as happens almost every night. Tonight, after they finished reading stories, saying prayers and singing songs he decided to tell Daddy a story-
H: Mommy's in Trouble!
J: Why Hayden? What happened?
H: She's stuck!
J: Uh-oh-what are we gonna do?
H: We need a rope, sticky tape and a pump!
Talk about imagination!!! He is such a sweetpea, and his mind is constantly working!!! Mommy and Daddy couldn't be more proud of our little storyteller!!
Not to mention-it sounds like he may come to my rescue someday and be able to work some Macgiver magic!!!
I've never been one who handles change well...and while I could probably sit and waste an afternoon thinking about why and where this insecurity began, I think I'm just going to chalk it up to the fact that I like things to remain exactly how they are.
This is something that I'm continually working on changing about myself...truthfully it's become a necessity more than a choice...and I feel like I'm getting there-moving in the right direction. Our most recent move was a tough one for me though...and I felt like I almost took 2 steps backwards, and I didn't really know how to dig myself out and start moving in the right direction again. Believe me...I TRIED to make it an easy transition...I immediately joined a mom's group in our new city, I joined the library and started attending programs that are offered there, my family made a trip (which always makes our houses feel like a home), and I unpacked and organized more quickly than has ever happened in the past. Positives, right?!?!? You'd think so. Don't get me wrong...I'm not miserable. I'm slowly meeting new people, keeping involved in some activities, I'm enjoying our new city and every shopping opportunity that has come along with it. But. I miss my friends. I miss Jeannie, Mindy and Jamie...and as little time as we spent together...I miss Brooke. I miss our walks, our playdates, our lunches. I miss knowing what's going on...I miss planning. I miss having families in our life that we can trust, depend on, and feel like can depend on us. Of course we still keep in touch...I've been there, they've been here, we talk via phone and email. But it isn't the same. Mindy's in the middle of moving in to a new I've never been to and can't picture...which means, when she says that Drew is napping in his room, I can no longer picture him snuggled in his cute little room or her relaxing on the recliner in the living room. Jeannie is also moving, and while I've seen their new home, I won't be able to keep up with all of the changes that she'll be making...which will put me in the same boat as with Mindy. Jamie's youngest Gavin has changed by leaps and bounds since we've been gone and I know that he'll never know me....or Hayden...and that just makes me so sad. On the flip side...I'm trying to focus on the fact that I was SO lucky and blessed to have met these wonderful people. I knew our time in Independence was limited, so never in a million years did I think I would meet and attach myself to these people. And as hard as the transition has been...I'm so glad that I opened myself up and allowed myself to indulge in these relationships.
Which brings me to "changes". Because of the relationships that I was able to form in our last city, I have confidence that I'll be able to do the same here. I know that in as soon as a few weeks or months, I will be able to "change" and look back on my time in Kasas with fond memories and as a wonderful growing experience, not to mention a place where I met some lifelong friends...instead of a new hometown that we had to leave. I know I will "change" my way of looking at our new city as well...and eventually THIS will become our home.
We have many changes happening in our lives constantly...some are small, but add up to biggies...and some are just SO HUGE that we haven't grasped them yet...and for now...right this very second, I've decided to implement yet another change...I'm going to rejoice in all of our change and see it for what it is...a challenge, a blessing, a gift.
This is something that I'm continually working on changing about myself...truthfully it's become a necessity more than a choice...and I feel like I'm getting there-moving in the right direction. Our most recent move was a tough one for me though...and I felt like I almost took 2 steps backwards, and I didn't really know how to dig myself out and start moving in the right direction again. Believe me...I TRIED to make it an easy transition...I immediately joined a mom's group in our new city, I joined the library and started attending programs that are offered there, my family made a trip (which always makes our houses feel like a home), and I unpacked and organized more quickly than has ever happened in the past. Positives, right?!?!? You'd think so. Don't get me wrong...I'm not miserable. I'm slowly meeting new people, keeping involved in some activities, I'm enjoying our new city and every shopping opportunity that has come along with it. But. I miss my friends. I miss Jeannie, Mindy and Jamie...and as little time as we spent together...I miss Brooke. I miss our walks, our playdates, our lunches. I miss knowing what's going on...I miss planning. I miss having families in our life that we can trust, depend on, and feel like can depend on us. Of course we still keep in touch...I've been there, they've been here, we talk via phone and email. But it isn't the same. Mindy's in the middle of moving in to a new I've never been to and can't picture...which means, when she says that Drew is napping in his room, I can no longer picture him snuggled in his cute little room or her relaxing on the recliner in the living room. Jeannie is also moving, and while I've seen their new home, I won't be able to keep up with all of the changes that she'll be making...which will put me in the same boat as with Mindy. Jamie's youngest Gavin has changed by leaps and bounds since we've been gone and I know that he'll never know me....or Hayden...and that just makes me so sad. On the flip side...I'm trying to focus on the fact that I was SO lucky and blessed to have met these wonderful people. I knew our time in Independence was limited, so never in a million years did I think I would meet and attach myself to these people. And as hard as the transition has been...I'm so glad that I opened myself up and allowed myself to indulge in these relationships.
Which brings me to "changes". Because of the relationships that I was able to form in our last city, I have confidence that I'll be able to do the same here. I know that in as soon as a few weeks or months, I will be able to "change" and look back on my time in Kasas with fond memories and as a wonderful growing experience, not to mention a place where I met some lifelong friends...instead of a new hometown that we had to leave. I know I will "change" my way of looking at our new city as well...and eventually THIS will become our home.
We have many changes happening in our lives constantly...some are small, but add up to biggies...and some are just SO HUGE that we haven't grasped them yet...and for now...right this very second, I've decided to implement yet another change...I'm going to rejoice in all of our change and see it for what it is...a challenge, a blessing, a gift.
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