Saturday, July 5, 2008

My Funny Little Boy

Okay, so a few cute little stories about Hayden tonight:

The 4 of us were outside shooting off our remaing fireworks...we were lighting sparklers (large and small ones), those weird wormy things, bottle rockets, and those snappy deals...and Hayden's favorite...poppers. Now-were they his favorite because they popped? Nope. Because they spark? Nope. Probably because of the streamers that fly out of them? Not even close. They were his favorite because of the little round disks that hold the streamers in and pop out when the string is pulled. He called them his coins...and he was gathering them out of the street and had to take each individual one and touch the light pole...telling me he was "checking his coins". Where he comes up with this stuff is absolutely beyond me...but I really do think he would have stayed out there all night had we let him. What a goofball!!!

Story number 2-Jason was putting Hayden to bed as happens almost every night. Tonight, after they finished reading stories, saying prayers and singing songs he decided to tell Daddy a story-
H: Mommy's in Trouble!
J: Why Hayden? What happened?
H: She's stuck!
J: Uh-oh-what are we gonna do?
H: We need a rope, sticky tape and a pump!

Talk about imagination!!! He is such a sweetpea, and his mind is constantly working!!! Mommy and Daddy couldn't be more proud of our little storyteller!!

Not to mention-it sounds like he may come to my rescue someday and be able to work some Macgiver magic!!!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Sounds like a bit of Dora influence to me! Sticky tape never fails!