Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Coming to an End...

Our time with Brandyn is quickly coming to an end. Our stepdad Mike is driving down tomorrow night to take him home on Friday...and just like every year...I'm dreading seeing him go. Brandyn has been spending lots of time with me-staying at my apartments and houses since I had my very first place, and I've always loved the time we get to spend together. Since moving out of Dubuque, he's been spending at least a couple of weeks each summer with us, and it's always a blast-especially since we've had Hayden. It's so much fun getting to know him as an almost-grown-up, and getting to see all of the changes in his personality, in his way of looking at the world and just in his overall being. He's a really good kid-trustworthy, dependable, responsible, thoughtful and very loving. He's a fantastic uncle to Hayden...and it's so sweet how much the two of them think of each other.

There are a couple of reasons that I'm really sad about our time together coming to an end this year:

First of all-he's been a HUGE help!!! I'm not sure how many of you know this, but 2 year olds are a TON of work...and I don't mean to brag...but mine seems to bring extra for some reason. With Brandyn here, I've gotten to actually have time to myself to do things like catch up on my blog, nap, read, do things JUST FOR ME!!! It's been AWESOME...I've even gotten to go potty ALONE for the first time in 2 years!! WAHOOO!!! Hayden has a HUGE attachment to Brandyn, and when he leaves, it's going to break his little heart. I'm dreading that. I'm also dreading going back to being a single mother during the

Secondly-and most importantly-this will probably be Brandyn's last extended visit with us. He's turning 16 in September, which's time to find a job!!! Unfortunately that's going to cut into our time with him during the summer. It's been bad enough the past couple of winters while he's been working at Sundown (a ski resort), and he works his entire Christmas vacation...but now to lose our summers? Ick. I've been dreading this for years-knowing that it's been coming. I'm hoping that maybe we'll still be able to squeeze a week out of his schedule next summer...but it'll never be the same...he's growing up...and that makes me sad!

We're really going to miss him when he leaves...not just his help either...he cracks us up constantly, he's fun to spend time with, and he makes us remember what it was like to be a carefree teenager (which we all need to remember sometimes).

We're so proud of you Brandyn...we know that you're going to accomplish great things in your life, and we can't wait to watch you do it! You are a fantastic role model for H-Dogg, and he looks up to you SO MUCH!!! I love watching you spending time with my husband and my son and I love that you still enjoy coming and spending time with your big sister!

I love you very much Buddy!!! We can't wait to see you in the fall for some HAWKEYE FOOTBALL!!!

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