Wednesday, January 28, 2009

From the Mouths of Babes

Hayden and I went out for a shopping trip this afternoon and stopped and had a lunch date at Subway. While we were there, we were discussing what we were going to do tonight. I explained to him (for the 300th time) that Daddy wasn't coming home tonight...that he was on a work trip, but we'd see him tomorrow. Sooo...since it's just going to be the two of us tonight, I thought we'd rent a fun movie and just snuggle. He agreed and sounded really excited about it. I then took it a step further and suggested that we watch the movie in Mommy's bed while we snuggled and he could just sleep with Mommy tonight...I remember doing that on occassion with my own mother and how much fun I thought that was. His reply: "Mommy, we can watch the movie in your room and snuggle, but I have to sleep in my bed because your belly gets in the way and there isn't enough room for me." Wow.


Leslie said...

Ha! That's pretty cute. Yo could have replied that you belly gets in your way when you sleep too!!

Mommy Andersen said...

Too cute! Give Hayden hugs from me.