Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Potty Training Update!

So this potty training thing has been a challenge to say the least...but we knew that it would be and were both pretty prepared for everything that it entailed. Hayden is a very "strong-willed" kiddo, so, while we had given it a shot a few different times, Jason and I could both tell that he just wasn't quite ready and the battle would have outweighed the success. In retrospect, we're both really glad that we followed our gut instead of taking the advice of...well...everyone. :)

We have been at this for 3 weeks now and Hayden is doing great!!! He VERY rarely has an accident, and when he does, he immediately tells us...which is awesome as we know he understands...score! Even better...for the past 4 days or so, he's woken up dry...from both naptime and bedtime. We're still putting him in his pull-up when he goes to bed, as I'm just not confident enough to let him attempt it in his underpants, but if he keeps this up (and I sure hope he does), this will be our last pack of pull-ups!! :) He HAS figured out how to play the system a bit, and gets up at least 3 times after we put him to bed at night at once or twice after he's down for his nap to tell us that he has to go potty...but so far, he goes each time, so we can't ignore it and send him back to bed. While it's a bit of a pain, he's waking up dry, so the positives are outweighing the negatives at this point.

Pooping is still a bit of an issue. The poor kid held it for 4 days the last time, and when he finally went he was hysterical...saying he was scared. I felt terrible for him, BUT...he did eventually go...and ON THE POTTY!!! I'm trying to load him up on pooh-friendly foods this week so that he's not able to hold it for so long and we can continue to have success so that he can see, as he says when he's finished, "it's not so bad". He's still getting his prizes for pooing, and they really do seem to work. He's now also wanting to give prizes to Daddy for going on the potty as well...very thoughtful!

Anyway, again, lots of bathroom info here...but we're just so proud of our little potty-going guy...
Great Job Hayden...Mama and Daddy are very proud of you!!!

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